Norie Huddle

Norie Huddle has written seven published books (three bestsellers) on environmental issues and on transforming humanity.  Growing up in the woods of northern Virginia, Norie’s background is eclectic and international.  She was an exchange student in Italy, a Russian language graduate of Brown University, a Peace Corps Volunteer in Colombia, and spent four years in Japan working with the environmental movement and writing a landmark book on Japan’s environmental crisis (1975) and its global implications.

After a 9-month, 5000-mile bicycle trip across America (1976), Norie helped launch America’s antinuclear movement through Mobilization for Survival. Then, realizing we need a ‘new kind of positive movement’ to transform humanity, she created the Center for New National Security and began using her holistic systems training to design new systems that can enable a peaceful and sustainable global civilization.

During the 1980s, Norie visited the USSR on numerous occasions as a citizen diplomat. Her 1984 book Surviving:  The Best Game on Earth, was a NYT Bestseller and introduced The Best Game on Earth—  Her 1990 book, Butterfly, has given birth to a global meme of transformation now used widely by people like Deepak Chopra, Barbara Marx Hubbard and many other spiritual leaders around the world.

Norie is an Advanced Practitioner of the Voice Dialogue Process, consults, writes and does executive coaching and public speaking on personal, organizational and planetary transformation.  She and her husband live part-time in Ecuador where they are creating the Garden of Paradise, a small healing and retreat Center.  In 2011, they won Ecuador’s (and the world’s) first lawsuit defending the Rights of Nature.    

For more, see and

World’s First Successful ‘Rights of Nature’ Lawsuit


Setting the Stage In January of 2007, Richard and I went on a wonderful vacation to Vilcabamba, Ecuador, famous as […]