Daniel Goleman
Daniel Goleman is an internationally known psychologist who lectures
frequently to professional groups, business audiences, and on college
campuses. Working as a science journalist, Goleman reported on the brain
and behavioral sciences for The New York Times for many years. His 1995
book, Emotional Intelligence (Bantam Books) was on The New York Times
bestseller list for a year-and-a-half; with more than 5,000,000 copies
in print worldwide in 30 languages, and has been a best-seller in many
His book, Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human
Relationships, was published in 2006. Social intelligence,
the interpersonal part of emotional intelligence, can now be understood
in terms of recent findings from neuroscience. Goleman’s book describes
the many implications of this new science, including for altruism,
parenting, love, health, learning and leadership.
Goleman was a co-founder of the Collaborative for Academic, Social
and Emotional Learning at the Yale University Child Studies Center (now
at the University of Illinois at Chicago), with a mission to help
schools introduce emotional literacy courses. One mark of the
Collaborative—and book’s—impact is that thousands of schools around the
world have begun to implement such programs.
Goleman’s 1998 book, Working With Emotional Intelligence (Bantam
Books), argues that workplace competencies based on emotional
intelligence play a great role in star performance, and that both
individuals and companies will benefit from cultivating these
capabilities. Goleman’s book, Primal Leadership – Learning to Lead with
Emotional Intelligence (co-authored with Richard Boyatzis and Annie
McKee), explores the crucial role of emotional intelligence in
Goleman is co-chairman of The Consortium for Research on Emotional
Intelligence in Organizations, based in the Graduate School of Applied
and Professional Psychology at Rutgers University, which recommend bests
practices for developing emotional intelligence abilities, and to
promote rigorous research on the contribution of emotional intelligence
to workplace effectiveness.
Goleman’s book Destructive Emotions recounts a scientific dialogue
between the Dalai Lama and a group of psychologists, neuroscientists,
and philosophers. He is a member of the board of directors of the Mind
& Life Institute, which sponsors an ongoing series of such
dialogues, and fosters relevant research.
Goleman has received many awards for his writing, including a Career
Achievement award for journalism from the American Psychological
Association. In recognition of his efforts to communicate the behavioral
sciences to the public, he was elected a Fellow of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science