Anne Hillman

Anne Hillman mentors groups and individuals who seek a mature spirituality, offering retreats that include all perspectives, and which allow participants to experience the kind of love that unites differences. One participant wrote: “You can be sure your work was an encounter with what is deepest within everyone there and they heard something of what they have been longing to hear.” 
Teilhard de Chardin’s biographer Ursula King cites Anne in a new collection: “My own thinking on nurturing a love deeper, richer, more accepting of differences, a love that empowers, transforms and creates new possibilities has been much influenced by four people who have given us new metaphors and ideas about love for our time: Beverly Lanzetta, Anne Hillman, Teilhard de Chardin, and Pitirim Sorokin . . . Hillman’s Awakening the Energies of Love provides an extraordinary inspiration for learning to love in a new and different way. She is deeply interested in how spiritual awakening can contribute to fundamental changes in our culture. In her pioneering work . . . she traces the awakening process in an evolutionary framework by following the rise of consciousness within the development of humanity . . . then follows the learning curves that accompany this profound transformation. Her book overflows with amazing insights, deep wisdom, and an energy of light and fire that can kindle a new kind of love if we are attentive and willing to receive its sparks.” Brian Swimme calls her book “an experiential pathway into that necessary transformation.”