Article Prayer

Third Drawer Prayer

Third Drawer Prayer

Upon The Opening of The 3rd Drawer

Together, We make a place where Thriving Life, where Future, where what is Holy, can meet, align, harmonize, and have access to our construct that we call “money.” 

Where all that has been extracted from the Mother Earth, from the bodies of men, women, and children, from the body of the oceans, from the sky, from the bodies of the Flying Ones, the Swimming Ones, the Creepy Crawly Ones, the Four-Legged Ones, from the plants, from the Standing Nation, the trees, from the stones, from the soil, from the waters, from the internal organs of the Mother Earth – coal, gold, oil – 

from the Five-Fingered-Ones’ goodness, from our love, from our psyches, and from our souls, 

from each place from which it has been extracted and gathered, from all the places where the flow of what is needed for cycling, spiralling Life has been confined, directed, channeled, into ways that do not serve Thriving Life, or Love, or Light, that do not serve Future, 

all of this decimation of the Beauty, Harmony, Balance, Substance, and The Sacred Movement of Life, is now, here, recognized, reconciled, revered, and placed in the healing hands and Volition of a deep and Holy Co-Creation, 

is now released, flowing out and flowing out and flowing out, a dam released, to the places most critical, to the places most generative, to the places most restorative, to the places most joyful, to the places most Creative for the Wholeness and Integrity of Interbeing, to the places most Sacred,

to the places most affirmative of our true desire and our deepest Consent to Live, unto Seven Generations, to Live with All Our Relations on this Sacred, Thriving, Powerful, Earth, to align with Her boundless creativity, Ingenuity, and Unconditional Love in the Creation of Endless,

Ever-Evolving Life  

We give our Love, here 
We give our place in Fearless Generosity, here 
We give our Faith, here 
We give our place in Radical Abundance, here 
We give our Consent, here 

With this opening, We break the bondage that was Law over Love,
We open and prepare ourselves to love the Future, in ways that the scarcity paradigm, would not allow,
We give this 3rd Drawer power, and ask it to give Us Future 

With our participation in this Gathering, with the Sacred Gift of our Volition, 
from the place on the Sacred Hoop of Life that We have been given to uphold,
We open this Field of The 3rd Drawer, to receive the Future of the very Highest Possibility for Life, Light, and Love  
May all that this flow encounters be touched and transformed, in whatever way is Right, 
by this currency of Consciousness that has reached out to Us, 
and flow into and through the Future Consciousness that We are growing into 

Holy Life, Holy Future, please, guide and direct us  
Show us the Way(s) 

Return to Kosmos Edition 24, Issue 3, Healing Wealth

About Pat McCabe, Woman Stands Shining

“Woman Stands Shining” Pat McCabe, has the honour of being of the Dine (Navajo) Nation. She brings the understanding of Indigenous ways of knowing into discussion and inquiry on Sustainability. She carries the foundation of Beauty and Spirit into places where it has been kept out. Pat is an active participant in Indigenous Peoples gatherings worldwide including Chile, Belgium, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico and Bali. She has worked with the International Center for Cultural Studies in India and with Sarvodaya with Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne in Sri Lanka, as well as with organizations and gatherings in the U.S. She has been a cultural consultant to the Pachamama Alliance, presenting at the 2013 and 2014 National Bioneers Conference, and presenting on Feminine Design and Sustainability; Gender, Money and Economy; Land Rematriation; and Trauma Healing, in the U.S. and Internationally.

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