Dorian Cavé

Dorian Cavé

After a decade spent a decade in East Asia, where he was last seen running an underground arts center and translating obscure works of art criticism, Dorian Cavé is now a PhD student at the Institute for Leadership and Sustainability, University of Cumbria (UK). Within the context of the unprecedented challenges that humanity is facing in this 21st century, his research focuses on the question of how online networks may foster and enable radical collective change through social learning. Dorian is also a member of the core team of the Deep Adaptation Forum. Through his work and PhD research, Dorian is keen to explore the potential for generative social transformations in response to the global predicament. Simultaneously, he is working on developing his skills as a facilitator of self-organised groups, and experimenting with practices of deep decolonisation and mutual and social learning within these contexts.